Thursday 25 March 2010

Question: Why Can't I Post These on Time...?

Answer: Because I keep putting off one thing to panic about another...

OK Since my last post I have had two meetings with my supervisor and all is well...

I am exploring knitting into (oh yes) wovens and will produce a garment during the next term to further develop the idea...there it is...written on the BLOG so it will happen!

The Shima development is taking a short holiday as the 4th year BA need to get their collections out and I know what that feels like so I am taking a step back while they panic.

Ditto Dubied for a few weeks too and concentrating on reading some texts on the current and historic state of the industry......and technology.

I also have my trip to John Smedley looming which I am looking forward in context. The questionnaires are now coming in so I will have a chance to start pulling that together and thinking about next year....and I now have some provisional dates for Montse Stanley ....end of May hopefully.

This is a boring page as the last few weeks have been about thinking as much as doing and it is hard to demonstrate how much this is affecting everything at the moment on the page....There are as many forks in the road at the moment as paths to take and it feels like I am hacking my way through inch by inch. Luckily the work is acting as it's own guide so forward we go...