Sunday 28 February 2010

Quick one now....long one next time!

Right ....this should have been done three weeks ago but preparing for New York seemed to take up most of my spare time!

What have I been doing since my meeting with Julie?

Mostly I have been looking at the way I want my work to progress and working out the best time for a visit to Southampton ( it would be better this term but will have to be next).

I have a date pinned down to visit John Smedley and watch production and after a very good N.Y. trip feel confident in the research I am doing. The F.I.T. exhibition was especially pertinent as it seemed to have every garment I have referenced as being important in viewing knitwear differently......although few of them were knitted!!

I've also begun my interviews and got a humdinger with frank views on how untechnical many knitwear designers are these days due to the fact sampling is done elsewhere, a direct result of the decline of manufacturing in the west. All good stuff.

Next weekI am returning to the stand to look at refining shape futher and after my meeting next week I should have more to say and a focus for next term.