Sunday, 13 June 2010

Working with linen and Whole Garment.

The last couple of weeks have been spent working with two different aproaches.

I have spent a lot of time pleating and finishing a large piece of linen so I have a panel large enough to manipulate on the stand. Previous I had been working with smaller pieces but they didn't allow the flexibility to drape on a body. I have also spent a lot of time programming to try and form a 3D length of kitting.

The large piece of linen has yielded results that have pushed me forward on garment design. I photographed the mocked up garment shapes and then put the photos on a light-box and traced over them to help think about how I could form dresses, skirts etc that draw on the potential of the shapes. Again this was not a way of working I have ever indulged in before. The benefits in the process were that I wasn't designing front and back views and then putting in seams so I could make up a garment. This method allowed me to work on a side view, or the area around the waist or bust in isolation and then move forward into a garment that takes the form more fully into consideration.

As for the 3D length of knitting I am learning an awful lot about how the Shimas' brain interprets my commands. The design system itself is very good at telling you what it doesn't like however still allows me to ignore the issues it thinks are there if I believe I have already put something else into the programme to counteract potential problems. It is like learning any language in as much as although there may be a real word or phrase for what you want to say sometimes you need to invent your own slag to really hit the nail on the head. This week I hope to actually solve the outstanding problems so I can start sampling in a variety of yarns to try and identify the perfect one for the fabric.

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