Saturday, 3 October 2009


Best night sleep in a week, Him Indoors left me to sleep in....9.15am!!

Starting to get my head around what is going on with my 'PROJECT'. what I am trying to do is create a fabric that hasn't been no pressure there then.

How to feel this, explain this, that's the issue. One word keeps bubbling to the surface Legacy. I need to have a grip on why we do what we do, the roots of the understood parameters of knitted fabrics and then subvert them to be able to use the techniques in a different way. I also know what is driving the project.........dissatisfaction. Knitting machines have not changed in 200 years they are recognisably and functionally the same. Computers are the big leap forward but they are simply used to find a quicker more efficient way of doing the same thing. I have a hunch (the bells, the bells) that the bed needs to change ......needles need to go in calibrated modules not in slots on the bed. The modules can then be changed for others that hold needles of a different gauge. Multi gauge knitting. Fabulous from a design perspective!!

Soooo first I need to produce beautiful fabrics that can't be produced because the machines don't exist then I need to get Shima (of similar) to talk to me about the feasibility of how you make a machine to knit them...HA!

This is interesting as it is not just about the product it's about the process and the machinery....but it does leave me with an empty feeling in the pit of my stomach. But it is my MA and my idea has to have room and potential to develop even if the developments hit dead ends.

More worryingly (and pressing) I am musing about what the kid's will eat for lunch. Mustn't make the mistake I made last night and present them with a selection of random food items (I am crap at being a mother when distracted). Having said that I liked it, although their distress at being given chicken drumsticks, gnocchi,squid and corn on the cob was obvious!

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