Saturday, 16 October 2010

From Felt to Felted...

Well I have knitted down enough fabric to produce a toile in the real fabric.....and it is an enormous amout given I am constructing a gillet! Obviously after it is constructed and felted I should have a garment that fits........

The images show the fabric in strips before felting draped over a stairwell just to demonstrate the amount, put together before and after felting (on a double bed to give an idea of shrinkage) and finally pinned on the stand side by side with the felt fabric toile (as opposed to the felted knitted toile....stay with me)...

Now I have to finish constructing and press and I should have all I need to programme make the finished garment.......I love it when a plan comes together!!!



Wednesday, 6 October 2010



At last I have found the designer who made the paper gowns I saw an image of in about January that's about 10 months of searching! Amazing to me how the sense of drama is what I am aiming for in my garments ...... and even though I saw one thumbnail when I was surfing the collection as a whole is spookily reflective of my own style. No man is an Island ....

Sunday, 3 October 2010

So Long.......but the Work Continued....

It has been a long time since I have been here but I have been working hard. Most of the reflective work I have been doing has been in my journal and of course I have had the kids at home!! Term has now restarted so time to get you up to date...if you care.

I have been making headway with toiles so that is fantastic, it means the fabric now has a form that can be worn. The process has been a little tortuous as I only had very small pieces to work from so in a way it has been design by photography. Luckily this works well on the stand as I can take my images home and stitch them together in my imagination and on the computer and make a whole garment out of snapshot.

From the images I generate a pattern based on repeats of the fabric and then make a garment out of felt in order to try it out. If this works I will then be able to make a toile in the yarn by programming the machine to produce lengths and attaching them together appropriately.

I have toiled two garments and am currently finishing a third and my first real fabric toile is knitted and waiting to be put together.